Energy Materials Corp. (EMC)

Last updated on Sat 19/08/2023 - 10:41

EMC logo imageEnergy Materials Corp. (EMC) is focused on the development of high-speed, roll-to-roll printing of purebred perovskite solar panels.

EMC's manufacturer business model is based on leveraging joint development partners: Kodak's manufacturing facilities, and Corning's materials innovation, and combining them into a unique manufacturing model. This model inverts the restrictive, go slow paradigm with a pursuit of speed: in manufacturing scale-up, production throughput, capacity expansion and early revenue.

With over 100 years of Kodak printing experience and data informing development, EMC's model is mapped for rapid, broad market segment participation, market disrupting product pricing, and gross margins that are more than twice that of current module manufacturers.

Company Address

1999 Lake Ave
Rochester, NY 14650
United States