GCL New Energy

Last updated on Tue 07/06/2022 - 16:04
Company Type: 

Listed on the Hong Kong Exchange in 2014, GCL New Energy is an energy company under the GCL Group. Its primary business is solar power generation, covering development, construction and operations. GCL New Energy focuses on both centralized and distributed PV power plants to provide the society with sustainable green energy that is clean, safe and efficient.

With 14 domestic regional subsidiaries, GCL New Energy operates across China, moreover, it has three regional subsidiaries in North America, Japan, and Africa, and established overseas representative offices in or dispatched developers to key overseas target markets.

While GCL's PV work is not solely focused on perovskites, it does have several directions of development having to do with perovskite materials and technologies. GCL representatives stated that the company’s lab has achieved a conversion efficiency of 16% on a large panel and are confident 18% could be achieved as well.

GCL said it has an experimental, 10 MW perovskite production line already in operation, which it intends to ramp up to 100 MW next year and 1 GW in 2021-22, in time to supply what is believed to be a gigawatt scale global market in three years’ time.

Company Address

No. 28 Xin Qing Road
32, 215000