
Last updated on Sat 19/08/2023 - 11:01

WattByWatt is a Canadian company that grew from university research on perovskite technology.

WattByWatt offers complete solutions for the production, storage and management of renewable energies. The company develops electronics devices, energy production installations and more.

WattByWatt chemically synthesizes perovskite in their Quebec facility reproducing the inherent semiconductor property and ensuring a consistent product. WattByWatt’s patented manufacturing process means the PEROVTON photovoltaic modules can be manufactured without the expense of a clean room. WattByWatt’s perovskite inks can be thin film printed to manufacture sustainable, high efficiency photovoltaic cells and modules. 


Their SmartFlower solar panel follows the sun from sunrise to sunset producing and storing renewable energy in its integrated battery storage system. The company sees the use of SmartFlowers in agrivoltaic farming as a global energy game changer.

Company Address

275 Bd Armand - Frappier Suite 2A
Laval QC