Related companies

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

EPFL logoEPFL is a Switzerland-based technical university and research center. EPFL is focused on three missions: teaching, research and technology transfer. 

EPFL works together with an extensive network of partners including other universities and institutes of technology, secondary schools and colleges, industry and economy, political circles and the general public.

EPFL does extensive perovskite R&D work and is responsible for many publications and advancements in the field.


Fluxim logoFluxim, AG, based in Switzerland, is a provider of R&D tools to the photovoltaic
and OLED industries.

Fluxim offers several products, including both software tools and hardware tools. such as an advanced simulation software for solar cells and OLEDs, perovskite tools, characterization software, advanced design tools and more.

Fluxim lists Samsung, BOE, DuPont, LG and Merck among their many customers

Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB)

HZB logo imageThe Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB) is a research center that studies complex systems of materials that contribute to dealing with challenges like energy transition.

The HZB research portfolio includes solar cells, solar fuels, thermoelectrics, and materials for new, energy-efficient information technologies (spintronics) or electrochemical energy storage. Research on these energy materials is closely connected with the operation and advanced development of the BESSY II photon source. HZB's research approach always concentrates on thin-film technologies.

The HZB researches perovskites in contexts like solar cells, silicon and perovskites hybrids and more.

Korver Corp.

Korver Corp. logo imageKorver Corp. was an American company with offices in California and China. Its mission was to develop high-efficiency perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with sufficiently large area and long lifetime to be commercially manufactured.

These solar cells were planned to be significantly more efficient than typical silicon-based solar cells, with efficiency up to around 30-40% (compared to silicon-based which is 21-22%). Korver has reportedly modified the silicon material for its use as bottom solar cell, which optimized the design of the overall system, and the durability of the tandem cell. The perovskite and silicon are connected or “layered” using charge carrier transport layers.


The company seems no longer to be in business.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

Berkeley Lab logo imageBerkeley Lab is a multidisciplinary national laboratory located in Berkeley, California on a hillside directly above the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.

LBNL conducts varied and extensive perovskite-based research in fields like solar cells, optoelectronics and more.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

NREL logo imageNREL is a U.S-based federal laboratory dedicated to research, development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

It performs extensive perovskite-based R&D (as well as on OPVs and other emerging technologies) and is seeking to make perovskite solar cells a viable technology by focusing on its efficiency, stability, and scaling. NREL's research is currently focused on several areas, including ultrahigh-efficiency and low-cost polycrystalline halide perovskite thin-film solar cells; electronic energy level alignment at the carbon nanotube/organic metal halide perovskite interface; and stable perovskite solar cells via chemical vapor deposition.

NREL's expertise is in the following areas related to perovskite PV:

  • Basic materials characterization
  • Fundamental photophysics, photochemistry, and exciton/charge-carrier dynamics
  • Interfacial energy alignment and charge-transfer (carrier-collection) processes
  • Structural and composition characterization
  • Material and compositional engineering for improved stability
  • High-efficiency solar cell fabrication with device performance and stability testing
  • Scale-up, printing, slot-die coating, and roll-to-roll manufacturing.


Perovskite infoPerovskite-Info is a comprehensive portal for all things perovskite, part of the Metalgrass network of web sites. It was launched in September 2015 as a perovskite news aggregator with an aim to become a hub for perovskite professionals and enthusiasts.

Perovskite-Info uses its editors' unique point of view, knowledge and familiarity with the industry to offer the absolute best service possible. The portal provides daily news, information, updates and commentary focusing on perovskite as an emerging material and technology.

Pixel Voltaic

Pixel Voltaic is a spinoff of University of Porto created in November 2018 with the goal of producing energy related technologies.

The company´s mission is to promote and enable a quick transition of innovative technologies that have just reached the proof-of-concept into the market. Pixel Voltaic is developing with the University of Porto a low temperature, laser assisted process to hermetically seal glass substrates, a unique process relevant for encapsulating Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) and Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs), Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) Cells, essential for their industrialization.

Pixel Voltaic also owns a patent “Catalytic methane decomposition and catalyst regeneration, methods and uses thereof” with priority from December 2018 and is currently participating in the 112CO2 project, where Pixel Voltaic heads the WP5 – System integration and demonstration for developing a MD membrane reactor prototype.

Pixel Voltaic is also participating in the DIAMOND project, heading the WP7 – Dissemination & Exploitation. This project plans to achieve ultra-stable, highly efficient, low-cost perovskite photovoltaics with minimized environmental impact.


VTT is a European research institution, owned by the Finnish state. It advances the utilization and commercialization of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, VTT turns global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. 

In the solar energy front, VTT’s expertise is the ability to look at solar energy as part of the bigger system. VTT is piloting new uses for perovskite solar cells and organic photovoltaics. Printable thin-film solar cells can be used in a wide range of applications. 


ZSW company logo imageThe Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württember (Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württember , ZSW) is a leading institute for applied research in the areas of photovoltaics, renewable fuels, battery technology, fuel cells and energy system analysis.

Around 300 scientists, engineers and technicians, alongside 100 student assistants and trainees, are currently working towards a sustainable energy system at ZSW's three sites in Stuttgart, Ulm and Widderstall in Germany.

In the field of photovoltaics, ZSW is developing and testing innovative concepts for perovskite solar cells and modules and their manufacturing. It focuses particularly on tandem devices in order to increase the efficiency beyond the theoretical limit for single junction solar cells. From fundamental research, ZSW is scaling up thin-film PV technologies to pilot lines. This enables a rapid transfer of the latest research outcomes and processes to production lines at ZSW's industrial partners.