Duke University and Springer Nature collaborate to create a unique source for enhanced selection of perovskite materials

A recent collaboration between the Hybrid³ team at Duke University (led by Professor Volker Blum) and SpringerMaterials has resulted in an insightful project called the Hybrid Perovskite Data Set, which enables researchers to compare and analyze different materials and optimize their properties for specific applications.

The huge number of variations of perovskite materials can make it challenging to find the most suitable material for a specific application. Now, researchers can use the data set to design new materials and experiment with new compositions, making the discovery of new materials more efficient and effective.


The Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Data Set is freely available in SpringerMaterials and contains information on hundreds of perovskite compositions, properties, and synthesis methods. It includes information on organic-inorganic perovskite materials that have demonstrated exceptional performance in different applications and enables researchers to save time and resources usually spent trying to identify suitable materials.

While the data on organic-inorganic perovskites is also available via Duke’s HybriD³ materials database, having this content included in SpringerMaterials ensures its longevity and regular maintenance. In addition, its value can be further enhanced by presenting it along with other organic and inorganic materials and their properties - inspiring new discoveries and collaborations, and ultimately contributing to the development of more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective technologies in the areas of solar-cells, photodetectors, field-effect transistors, light-emitting diodes and, spintronics.

Interested in learning more about this collaborative project? Download the case study now to find out more.

This was a sponsored post by Springer Nature

Posted: May 18,2024 by Ron Mertens