Quantum Materials Corp

Last updated on Mon 06/03/2023 - 15:58

quantum Materials Corp logo imageQuantum Materials Corp. manufactures Tetrapod Quantum Dots for use in medical, display, solar energy and lighting applications through an automated production process.

QMC states that its volume manufacturing methods assure economies of scale, reliability and uniformity to drive innovative discovery to commercial success by addressing three critical needs: lowering costs while improving efficiency and quality.

QMC's objective is to become the first manufacturer of mass produced, high performance quantum dots and other nanomaterials for its partners to integrate into new and better products; and the first solar cell manufacturer to be able to offer a solar electricity solution that competes on a non-subsidized basis with the price of retail electricity in key markets in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Company Address

STAR Park 3055 Hunter Road
San Marcos, TX 78666
United States