
Last updated on Tue 02/07/2024 - 14:51

Avantama logo imageSwitzerland-based Avantama AG (previously called NanoGrade) is specialized in the development and supply of printable and coatable materials for the manufacturing of optical or electronic thin films. Avantama's materials are based on liquid formulations and inks containing semiconducting metal oxides or luminescent perovskite quantum dots.

Avantama's QDs show several differences when compared to other commercial QDs (CdSe and InP): the chemical composition is based on metal halide perovskites such as e.g. CsPbBr3, the QD color is mainly controlled by the chemical composition and not by the QD size, no additional inorganic shell is needed for high quantum efficiency and stability and more.


Avantama states that its metal halide perovskite QDs yield the highest possible quantum efficiencies of > 95% which will result in best peak brightness of LCD displays.

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Laubisrutistrasse 50