Greatcell Australia and First Graphene explore graphene enhancements to perovskite solar cells

It was recently reported that Greatcell Australia is working with graphene company First Graphene on graphene enhancements to perovskite solar cell technology.

Greatcell Australia has reportedly established a pilot plant in New South Wales and is in the advanced stages of testing its range of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with manufacturers around the world. “Greatcell is aiming to modularize their production lines for product flexibility, due in part to the easier assembly and reduced number of steps to produce PSCs compared to silicon solar cells.”


It was said that graphene is seen as the key to enhancing many of the key properties of PSCs that already make them appealing for a vast range of everyday applications. It can improve service life and allow high-speed roll-to-roll production. In addition, due to graphene’s exceptional electrical conductivity and thermal properties, there is good potential for improved energy conversion efficiency. Graphene is also seen as the key removal of environmentally hazardous materials currently used during the manufacture of perovskite solar cells.

In addition, Greatcell Australia's CEO Paul Moonie said the graphene composites and formulations developed through the collaboration not only result in PSCs delivering enhanced performance but provide over 80% reduction in input material costs.

“This opens the way for even lower cost options that will undoubtedly be a compelling proposition for global electronics manufacturers,” he says.

According to Michael Bell, CEO and Managing Director of First Graphene, the collaboration with Greatcell offers considerable opportunity for both companies.


Posted: Apr 04,2023 by Roni Peleg